Select the Options that Work Best for You with Funeral and Cremation in West Linn, OR
Death is an inevitable part of life that brings a vast range of emotions and grief. You can choose the service options that fit your budget and desires for these needs. Those closest to the deceased may be tasked with selecting and creating final arrangement services like funeral and cremation in West Linn, OR. Even if you have never needed to think about these kinds of deathcare services before, there are compassionate experts in the field who will gently guide you through the process one step at a time.

Funeral and Related Events
Holding a funeral in the days or few weeks following a death is a standard format that many families find to support their needs. A funeral has the particular benefit of being held with the remains of the deceased present for the service. This is thought to be extremely helpful in creating an element of closure and offering a final chance for mourners to 'say goodbye' and pay their last respects.
However, funerals do not necessarily need to be held with an open casket. In some cases, displaying the remains would not be advisable or desired. Choose the most likely format to create healing experiences for you and your family. Visitation events can be scheduled before the funeral and give mourners a chance to express their condolences to the family and other close relations.
Memorial Ceremony Services
Having an honoring event without the deceased's body is also an option that works well for many circumstances. When this is chosen, it is called a memorial service. Because the immediate needs of caring for the body can be handled soon after death, the memorial service is less time-bound than a funeral service. If more time for pre-planning, gathering, or scheduling is wanted, consider having a memorial service instead of a funeral event.
Consider Cremation for Affordability and Flexibility
Cremation is the process that alters the deceased remains from the intact form into a few pounds of 'ashes.' These ashes are the result of placing the body in a closed furnace chamber and burning altogether. As a result, the only remains that will be visibly remaining will be some fragments of the bones. These pieces can then be processed into smaller pieces that could be scattered, buried, or kept at home in a displayable urn.
If you are looking for ways to impact the total cost of final services, cremation is typically less expensive than embalming and casket funeral with burial. If you think about it, this makes sense because the amount of time taken to prepare the body for cremation is far less than embalming, styling for public display, and the full panel of funeral events. However, caskets may cost more than urns as they are larger, and there are charges associated with a burial plot and grave opening and closing costs.
Selecting Applicable Containers for Funeral and Cremation in West Linn, OR
Selecting a suitable urn for your loved ones' cremated remains will depend on what you plan to do with the ashes. If burial of the ashes is desired, you will need to choose an urn designed with that disposition in mind. A temporary urn could house the cremated remains until a scattering ceremony. If multiple households or family members want to have the remains close by, consider purchasing various urns and dividing the ashes.
Caskets are designed to hold intact bodies and can be ordered in every size range needed. There are so many ways funeral caskets can be personalized for each individual. Small and large decorative details, color schemes, fabric lining choices, and finishes may all vary. For funeral and cremation in West Linn, OR, choosing a casket or urn that seems suited to your loved one can be a small way to honor them and give peace of mind regarding their resting space.
Ordering Mementos and Keepsakes
As part of the final arrangements planning process, you may be invited to order memorabilia or keepsakes in memory of your loved one. There are a variety of options for jewelry that commemorates your deceased with their fingerprints saved and designed onto necklace pendants, bracelets, cufflinks, rings, etc. Other jewelry selections may include cremation lockets with containment spaces for a small number of ashen remains or hair clippings.
Choose Experienced Professionals to Guide and Assist with This Delicate Process
Managing the final needs and honoring events for your loved ones is undoubtedly a delicate process. It needs to be done correctly since there is no real option to redo them. As you approach plans for your needs with funeral and cremation in West Linn, OR, this is one important reason to work with experienced experts in the field. The professionals at Holman Hankins Bowker & Waud are prepared to guide and gracefully assist you through all the nuances encompassing this tender time.